Through The Amara Raja Way®, the Company strengthened its commitment to people safety and environmental protection. The management believes that an incident-free workplace boosts employee morale and confidence in the corporate. The resultant peace of mind pushes every team member to strive harder towards uplifting the organisation to the next growth orbit. The Company's protection cover extends to the workplace and beyond - striving for a cleaner workplace and a green environment - leading to a healthy mind and body

People safety and well-being
The Company has institutionalised environmental, health and safety processes. To reinforce these processes the Company conducts regular training sessions on environmental risks, occupational hazards and various health & wellness awareness sessions.
There is a special focus on aspects such as emergency response, improving industrial hygiene practices and preventive health and safety measures. Protection of employees from injury or occupational disease continues to gain top priority. The Company continues to enhance health and safety by constantly reviewing the policies and bring in new systems and processes to make it a better workplace.
Environmental sustainability
As a part of its commitment towards ecological sustainability, the Company is closely associated with multiple environmental protection programs within its business ecosystem and in the civic and social sectors beyond its operational boundaries.
The four pillars of Amara Raja's ecological sustainability program are:
- Effective use of natural resources
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Good practices in waste and pollution control management
- Biodiversity

Ecological sustainability is a cornerstone of the company's charter on natural capital stewardship. The storage battery industry is built on the pillars of energy efficiency, greenhouse gases mitigation, responsible water management, pollution control and waste management. At Amara Raja, we use different tools to look for the reduction in the natural resources usage. During this year, the Company initiated the inventorization of greenhouse gas emissions and targeted its reduction. The Company follows good manufacturing practices in waste management.
To enhance green cover, the Company planted trees that survive in tropical, dry and shale type soil by following necessary soil, micro-irrigation management techniques and using treated effluents fit for gardening.
Environmental stewardship
- Developed extensive green belt and social forestry in and around the factory premises by planting saplings which can survive in tropical, dry and shale type soil with the help of good conservation techniques.
- Pioneered in introducing air pollution control equipment with the latest technologies which include the HEPA filters.
- In the area of water & wastewater treatment, the company is using the advanced technologies to remove heavy metals.
- Increased use of recycled lead is preferred in order to conserve natural resources and to encourage the locally organized smelters.
- Following good practices in conserving electrical energy and so as to reduce overall electrical energy consumption thus reducing the natural resources and also increasing the share of renewable energy source by installing the panels on the rooftop and in premises.
- The company continues to use good practices in the maintenance and monitoring of ventilation systems and ensures that a safe and healthy work environment is maintained
Health and Safety first
- Our employees are provided with the right PPE in each workplace and are ensuring 100% PPE compliance
- In order to improve 'safety culture,' we have deployed behaviour based safety practices at all locations
- Provided helmets free of cost to all employees when they buy a two-wheeler and hold a valid driving license
- The good lead control program and all the employees are having less than international standards
- Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) an international best practice implemented across all manufacturing locations
- State- of-the-art occupational health Centre with 24x7 operations.
- Introduced eating nutritious food with spoons (a cultural change) to enhance the hygiene conditions and avoid lead exposure.
- Introduced readiness to work at all locations to promote and improve physical activity Conducting pre-employment, half yearly and annual health check-ups.

Our Commitment
1) Hazard Communication
- We constantly conduct employee awareness programs on reporting hazards, unsafe conditions and unsafe acts to help in minimising on-the-job incidents
- Programmes are conducted at all manufacturing locations on emergency response, mock evacuation drills, hazard recognition, first aid training, fire-fighting training etc. on a regular basis.
2) Safe Working Place
We ensure the workplace air quality and ventilation systems are periodically checked to provide a safe working place
3) Women's Health
Women's Health is given paramount importance. We periodically conduct awareness and screening programs such as cervical and breast cancer awareness across all plant locations.
4) Cafeteria Hygiene
We conduct regular inspections of the cafeteria by internal teams at periodic intervals to ensure a high level of hygiene is maintained
5) Solar Power for Energy Requirement
The Company installed additional roof solar systems during the year taking the total generating capacity of 6.30 MW thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuels.
Management system
The Company has aligned its business operations and manufacturing process to the globally accepted guidelines of the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 framework for more than two decades now. All the manufacturing locations are certified to ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001: 2018 standards.