
Sustainability at ARE&M

At Amara Raja, we are dedicated to making a meaningful and lasting impact on our world. Our commitment to sustainability is a fundamental part of who we are and what we stand for. We are committed to regularly assessing our ESG performance, learning from our experiences, and striving for continuous improvement in all areas of environmental responsibility, social impact, and strong governance

  • Environment
  • 59.1 MW of solar panels installed contributing to 12% share of renewable energy
  • 12% energy intensity reduction
  • 8% absolute reduction in scope 1 & 2 emission and intensity reduction by 23%
  • 21% water intensity reduction
  • Established Zero Liquid Discharge across sites
  • 70% recycled lead used as input material
  • 96% of waste recycled and waste generation intensity reduced by 14%
  • 0.15+ million of saplings planted
  • 75,000m³ capacity rainwater harvesting infrastructure created
  • Conducted Life Cycle Assessment for two major products
  • Social
  • 0.1+ million training hours
  • 87% Employee engagement score
  • 14% reduction in LTIFR
  • 40% improvement in near miss reporting
  • INR 16 crores invested in community initatives
  • Governance
  • Formation of Sustainability committee at the Apex level
  • 27% growth in EBITDA
  • Investment of INR 9,500 crore over a period of 10 years in 'Amara Raja Giga Corridor' project
  • 2,500+ channel partners
  • Zero data breaches

Sustainability at ARE&M

Sustainability Goals FY24

  • Energy and Carbon
  • Increase share of renewable energy to 25%.
  • Reduce carbon intensity (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) by 30% and overall absolute reduction by 10%.
  • Reduce energy intensity by 15%.
  • Complete life cycle assessment for two high-volume products.
  • Water
  • Reduce specific freshwater consumption by 20% in absolute and water intensity by 30%
  • Communities
  • Complete village infrastructure projects (underground drainage and solid waste management).
  • Establish a second skill development centre for rural youth and increase livelihood opportunities.
  • Circular Economy
  • Reduce waste intensity by 20%.
  • Increase recycled raw materials in production to80%+ (lead & lead alloys).
  • Improve battery recycling collection rate to 50% as perBWMR, 2022.
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Continue to be a zero-fatality organization
  • Reduce Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) by 60 %
  • 100% compliance with initial medical examination and periodic medical examinations
  • People
  • Improve gender diversity within the organization to 14%.